Hash Tables
(make-hash-table . options) -> hash table
size: size
init: init
weak-keys: weak-keys?
weak-values: weak-values?
test: test
hash: hash
min-load: min-load
max-load: max-load
Creates a hash table.
(make-hash-table-eq . options) -> hash table
Creates a hash table using eq?
as the test function so this is equivalent to
(make-hash-table test: eq? options ...)
(make-hash-table-eqv . options) -> hash table
Creates a hash table using eqv?
as the test function so this is equivalent to (make-hash-table test: eqv? options ...)
(hash? obj) -> boolean
obj := any object
Returns true if the object is a hash table.
(hash-table? obj) -> boolean
obj := any object
Same as hash?
(hash-length hash) -> fixnum
hash := hash table
Returns the number of entries in the hash.
(hash-ref hash key [default]) -> any
hash := hash table
key := any
Returns the value bound to key, defaulting to default if no value was bound. If the default is absent, then if an init parameter was specified in the table constructor it is returned instead. If no init parameter was specified, then an error is raised.
(hash-get hash key) -> any
hash := hash table
key := any
Returns the value bound to key
or #f
if no value was bound.
This is equivalent to (hash-ref hash key #f)
(hash-put! hash key val) -> void
hash := hash table
key := any
val := val
Binds key to val in hash.
(hash-update! hash key update [default = #!void]) -> void
hash := hash table
key := any
update: = procedure of one argument
Updates hash's binding for key to the result of
(update (hash-ref hash key default))
(hash-remove! hash key) -> void
hash := hash table
key := any
Removes hash's binding for key.
(hash-clear! hash [size = 0]) -> void
hash := hash table
size := fixnum; the new initial size for the hash table or 0 for default
Clears the hash table.
(hash-key? hash key) -> boolean
hash := hash table
key := any
Returns true if hash has a binding for key.
(hash-for-each proc hash) -> void
proc := procedure of two arguments
hash := hash table
Applies proc to all key/value bindings in hash.
(hash-map proc hash) -> list
proc := procedure of two arguments
hash := hash table
Maps the bindings of hash to a list, applying proc.
(hash-fold proc iv hash) -> any
proc := procedure of three arguments
iv := any; initial value
hash := hash table
Fold the bindings of hash, applying proc with initial iv.
(hash-find proc hash) -> any
proc := procedure of two arguments
hash := hash table
Returns the first true value returned when applying proc to the bindings
of hash or #f
(hash-keys hash) -> list
hash := hash table
Returns the list of keys for all bindings in hash.
(hash-values hash) -> list
hash := hash table
Returns the list of values for all bindings in hash.
(hash-copy hash) -> hash table
hash := hash table
Copies hash into a new hash table
(hash-merge hash . more) -> hash table
hash := hash table
more := list of hash tables
Creates a new hash table, merging more hash tables into hash. Entries in hash tables on the left take precedence over entries on the right.
> (define t1 (list->hash-table '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))))
> (define t2 (list->hash-table '((a . 4) (b . 5) (z . 6))))
> (hash->list (hash-merge t1 t2))
((a . 1) (z . 6) (b . 2) (c . 3))
(hash-merge! hash . more) -> hash table
hash := hash table
more := list of hash tables
Merges more hash tables into hash. Entries in hash tables on the left take precedence over entries on the right.
> (define t1 (list->hash-table '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))))
> (define t2 (list->hash-table '((a . 4) (b . 5) (z . 6))))
> (begin (hash-merge! t1 t2) (hash->list t1))
((a . 1) (z . 6) (b . 2) (c . 3))
(hash->list hash) -> list
hash := hash table
Returns the bindings of hash as an alist.
(list->hash-table lst . options) -> hash table
lst := alist; table bindings
Creates a hash table from an alist lst.
(list->hash-table-eq lst . options) -> hash table
lst := alist; table bindings
Same as list->hash-table
, but using eq?
as the test function for the table.
(list->hash-table-eqv lst . options) -> hash table
lst := alist; table bindings
Same as list->hash-table
, but using eqv?
as the test function for the table.
(hash->plist hash) -> list
hash := hash table
Returns the bindings of hash as a plist.
(plist->hash-table lst) -> hash table
lst := plist; table bindings
Creates a hash table from a plist lst.
(plist->hash-table-eq lst) -> hash table
lst := plist; table bindings
Same as plist->hash-table
, but using eq?
as the test function for the table.
(plist->hash-table-eqv lst) -> hash table
lst := plist; table bindings
Same as plist->hash-table
, but using eqv?
as the test function for the table.